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Changing your relationship with time can lead to profound changes in your mental health and overall well-being. As you explore techniques from The Time Weaver's Guide, you'll cultivate mindfulness that enriches each moment—transforming stress into serenity and chaos into calmness. Story Waters' explains how to see time not as a constraint but as a canvas for creativity and exploration. Imagine being able to create more time for what truly matters in your life. Chapters:

  • You have time to savor.
  • The release of destination thinking.
  • Improve your relationship with time.
  • How humanity contained itself in time.
  • Many lifetimes walk within you.
  • Consciousness is not contained by time; it spans it.
  • Mental ideals are a scalpel dividing your consciousness.
  • You are a God dreaming of time and space.
  • Your soul is a state of collective consciousness.
  • The acorn contains the oak tree, and mortals contain the immortal.
  • The Dilation of Time
  • The physical universe is a by-product of consciousness exploring itself.
  • How softening your focus is to know ‘all is well.’
  • Your consciousness goes down every timeline.
  • Embracing the vast ocean of consciousness.
  • Why it is we always return to love/are healed.
  • To know why we are here is the end of here.
  • Enter the flow of ‘all is well’ within you.
  • You could have had a much easier life.
  • The wisdom of your many human lives walks within you.
  • Knowing the Maze of Self.
  • The imploding explosion of consciousness.
  • Bringing flow to what is stuck. Being the tree.
  • The conclusion of spiritual awakening is...
  • Ending the long anger.
  • The fight of your life is over.
  • This mind expanding book (based on Story's 'Creating Timeless Flow' audible course) weaves through multiple subjects, playing with how time can be perceived. As such, the more you allow yourself to release your linear rational mind and fall into the fluidity of time, the more revealing your ride will be. Experience a richer, fuller life by consciously crafting moments that resonate with joy and fulfillment.

Time Weaver's Guide (Paperback)

  • Paperback book by Story Waters

    About the author

    Story Waters is a gnostic writer and speaker (AKA channeler). In 2003 he sat up in bed one morning and wrote out the basis of his first book 'The Messiah Seed'. In 2013 he began communicating with Seth, who along with Jane Roberts, opened Story to the unified nature of our wider, eternal state of consciousness. By fearlessly peeling back the layers of his gnostic process, Story discovered Seth to be his chosen interface for the living library of all selves (AKA The Akashic Records).

    "Through developing my intuition/inner guidance, I have learned to access the collective body of infinite consciousness we all birth from. This is not a special gift. The gnostic process is an altogether ‘normal’ level of perception. Everyone accesses it at a subconscious level. How conscious you become of this connection is determined by how much you focus on it." - Story Waters

    Story was born in Brighton, England, in 1972. He now lives in upstate New York with his husband and visionary artist, Roger Hanson, and their dog, Ghost. Story’s complete writing is currently being released through Kindle e-books and his live recordings through audiobook. ‘No Religion: Consciousness Creates Reality: The Book of Introductions’ is a great place to start and is available as both an illustrated e-book and an audiobook.

    "You are eternal consciousness in human form. Your spirit is an infinite state of consciousness that knows it is far more than the individuated, temporary, mortal self you are currently experiencing. Through its wider focus/perceptual aperture, your spirit knows it is connected to everything in existence. The human experience is a game that infinite consciousness plays with itself, where it suppresses its infinite multidirectional perception by looking through a pair of binoculars. It then pretends that what it sees through this attenuation of perception is separate from it and is the one physical reality in existence." - Story Waters

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